The Energy Centre is the "pumping heart" of the Gardens By The Bay at Marina Bay South. It produces energy and distributes it to the entire development through its complex network of mechanical and electrical pipings. It houses chillers, generators and eco-recycling plant to supply hot and cold water as well as steam necessary for the energy needs of the Conservatories. HT and LT switch rooms, BMS and FCC rooms are also located in the Energy Centre to generate power supply to the Supertrees, F&B outlets and other amenities buildings within the development. It is largely underground with connections both to the external air through the discharge ducts built into the Supertrees and to the Biomes. The areas and buildings served by the Energy Centre include the Cool Moist Biome, the Cool Dry Biome, the Support Biome, the Hub and Visitor Centre, the Supertrees Restaurant and the Support Buildings.
+ (65) 6298 8066